
Beam Begins Operations in Seremban

Beam Begins Operations in Seremban
  • Beam Mobility Malaysia begins a 6-month escooter trial in Seremban 2.
  • Beam e-scooters align with Seremban 2’s Smart City efforts and providing sustainable transport.

[10 March 2023] We’re thrilled to announce Beam Mobility Malaysia begins a 6-month trial in Seremban 2 city under the purview of Seremban City Council. The move comes as part of a government initiative to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transportation and reduce traffic congestion in urban areas.

Seremban 2 city is part of the Federal Government's efforts to decentralize development, whilst being a gateway city into Greater Klang Valley, Nilai and Labu. The city comprises 9 residential communities, 5 schools, a 15-acre City Lake Park, a Sports Complex, a modern Shopping Centre, and Commercial Business Parks.

With micromibility being the buzz around the world, there is a growing demand for alternative modes of transportation that are convenient, sustainable, and available on-demand. The approval of the Seremban 2 trial operation demonstrates the government's commitment to implementing sustainable transport in promotion of low-carbon cities.

During the trial period, Beam Mobility will provide a significant fleet size of e-scooters for rent in the Seremban 2 neighbourhood. The e-scooters will be available at designated parking zones throughout the town and can be rented using the Beam Mobility app. This deployment is expected to increase the habit of using public transport, promoting a healthier lifestyle for the residents.

“Besides providing an alternative public transport option, we aim to contribute to the gig economy in Seremban 2 by hiring rangers to maintain the health of our fleet,” said Justin Tiew, General Manager at Beam Mobility Malaysia.

With the latest technology equipped with our e-scooters including GPS tracking and automatic speed limiters, we can ensure the upkeep of our e-scooters to ensure safety for riders and other road users.

As part of the trial operation, we will be providing data to help the city councils assess the long-term  feasibility of e-scooters in Seremban 2. This will include data on rider behaviour, usage patterns, and safety concerns. We hope the data will be useful to inform future decisions on creating a more liveable and pedestrian-friendly city.

We hope that the trial operation will be welcomed by residents and local businesses in Seremban 2. We are excited about the prospect of a new, sustainable mode of transportation that can help reduce traffic congestion in the town and improve air quality.

Beam in Seremban 2

  • Partnership for Low Carbon: Beam is the city’s electric micromobility partner and part of the city’s Low Carbon City Action Plan.
  • Personal Accident Insurance: Every rider will be covered by Beam’s personal accident insurance.
  • Virtual Docking: Fixed ‘virtual’ parking docks will be seen within the app, with riders directed to appropriate parking spots through a combination of guidance, incentives, and disincentives.

We love working together with local partners who see a potential use of Beam in your area or local community. For partnership opportunities, connect with Beam at

Regardless of whether it is to get to work or to play, riders can find the closest Beam e-scooter near you by downloading the app via the Apple Store or Google Play Store!

For more information, stay tuned to Beam Malaysia’s official Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok channels.

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